The subject was introduced by R. Gilmarc (CA) in his CMG’11 paper: IT/EV-Charts as an
Application Signature: CMG'11 Trip Report, Part 1 This time he has shown us some additional development of the idea. Such
as “BIFR”:
“What is in our Application Profile?
• Workload – description of transaction arrival pattern
• Infrastructure – subset of infrastructure supporting our application
• Flow – server-to-server workflow
• Resource – CPU and I/O consumed per transaction at each server
Why is an Application Profile useful?
• Prerequisite for application performance analysis and capacity
• Directs & focuses application performance tuning efforts
• Building block for data center capacity planning
• Serves as input to a model”
Some modeling approaches were included into
Application Profile idea (e.g. CPU% vs. Business transactions) plus the flow is presented as a diagram from HyPerformix
tool that is now CA tool.
I see the BIFR profile is suitable
for a predictive model to run on
Performance Optimizer part of HyPerformix.
Also interesting is the attempt to
use BIFR for virtual servers (LPARs) consolidation that includes TPP – Total
Processing Power benchmarks. Most interesting is the usage of “Composite Resource Usage Index” to Identify LPARs that have high
resource usage across all 3 ones: TPP Percent, I/O Percent and Memory Percent. Looks like it allows to combine
LPARS optimally on different physical hosts in a ”tetris” way.
I appreciate he mentioned my name in the slides (at the “related work”
section) and during his presentation there was some discussion about IT Control
Charts. I still believe that IT-Control chart without actual data plotted (see
below a copy from my old post) and built for main server resources usage (CPU,
memory and I/Os) plus for main business transactions and response time (the
same IT-control charts should be built for that – I published couple examples
in my other papers) could be a perfect representation of any applications and
also can be treated as an application profile!
Another interesting idea which also was presented in the workshop is “Application
invariants”. I may discuss that in my another post…
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