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Sunday, May 22, 2016

VMware uses Cloud Infrastructure Anomalies and Trends Detection Approaches

I have a few posts related to Mazada Marvasti work, for instance:

CMG'09: Performance Data Statistical Exceptions Analysis 

I actually still use time to time the product which is based on his work (former Alive tool) and I see also that he has been publishing recently a lot of papers and patents. The following paper from VMware published on RG has a long list of references to his work. That is very interesting and I should look at them more closely. Interesting that the paper declares that Mazda's anomaly and trend detection technique now are used for a cloud based infrastructure! 



Tuesday, May 3, 2016

This blog on the Blogger. What about other blogging platforms?

I have started exploring other blogging platforms. See the two first posts about it:

- Blogger:     The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
- WordPress: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly