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Thursday, December 18, 2014

CMG'14: "A New (?) Approach to Capacity Forecasting" vs. IT Control Charts

I have enjoyed as usual the CMG'14 International conference and found a few papers there still related to this particular blog subject.

One of them is " A New Approach to Capacity Forecasting by  Linda Carroll (IBM, USA)

Traditionally, a capacity forecast is presented at the month view of the data and has the tendency to represent capacity trends in a straight predictable line. This paper will show the value of measuring and reporting system capacity based on a weekly view. It also introduces the use of Process Control Analysis to confirm the forecasting methodology and the accuracy of the capacity forecast. What differentiates this methodology is that it is currently being used in real world operations where it has been very successful.

This paper I am afraid is attempt to "re-invent the wheel" as SPC and MASF variation of that has found the way to be used in Capacity planning for years and  specifically my CMG papers have detailed explanation how to do it by using Control charts and especially weekly profile ones (IT-Control Charts).  Bellow video has some example of short term forecasting that IT-Control chart can do:

PROCESSING EXCEPTION HANDLING. Patent by Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing

My co-author, Kevin McLaughlin has found this patent. Here is a link:

In accordance with an embodiment, a method for exception handling comprises accessing an exception type for an exception, filtering historical data based on at least one defined criterion to provide a data train comprising data sets, assigning a Weight to each data set, and providing a current control parameter. The data sets each comprise a historical condition and a historical control parameter, and the Weight assigned to each data set is based on each historical condition. The current control parameter is provided using the Weight and the historical control parameter for each data set."

We are glad to see a reference to two my papers that examiner of this patent (Jay Morrison ) cited:

Igor Trubin, Ph.D.,Global and Application Levels Exception Detection System Based on MASF Technique”, Proceedings of the Computer Measurement Group, 2002.
Kevin McLaughlin and Igor Trubin, “Exception Detection System, Based on the Statistical Process Control Concept”, Proceedings of the Computer Measurement Group, 2001


Thursday, November 27, 2014

3D Printed Quantum Dot Light-Emitting Diodes - soon we could work with closed eyes?

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Since 2010 the Android has been more popular than iOS?

The iPhone 6 Had Better Be Amazing And Cheap, Because Apple Is Losing The War To Android

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Elon Musk: ‘With artificial intelligence we are summoning the demon.’

So true!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Analyzing Stock Price Data by iT-Control Chart

I have already noticed and posted (see here) that some similar (to SETDS) technique is used for Stock Market Technical Analysis. So I have decided to apply SETDS methodology to the stock price data to see what that could show to us. 

1. Getting Data
I have downloaded the stock price data in csv format from here: http://eoddata.com/  (I had to pay for that, but it is really cheap). So far I decided to analyze only daily data, but less granular data is also available from that site – later I plan to play with the hourly data too. Also I have downloaded the DJI historical data from here: http://research.stlouisfed.org/ (free).
2. Building iT-Control Chart
First, I have just looked at the particulate stock symbol just a trend and it looks like growing...:

As far as it is a daily data, I have built the 12 month baseline based 31-days monthly IT-Control chart (how to do that see HERE and HERE).

It confirms that it is slowly growing, plus it higher that 12 monthly baseline average. But currently the entire economy is going up as we can see see on the DJI trend chart:

But looks like our stock growing faster... How to to capture relative performance of the stock price in comparison with DJI to see if the stock performance is  better or worse than the economical background (even if the absolute value is still growing to keep up with DJI index)?
Let’s normalize that by using the following formula:
            Relative Stock Growth (RSG) = 1- (DJI – a stock price)/DJI
So the trend picture of our stock in this term will be a bit difference:
 Base on which our stock is growing not so fast as it seems!
Let’s build iT-Control chart for RSG: and we can see that in August it actually was not growing at all:

3. Resume
Looks like IT-Control chart gives some interesting analysis result, that could be useful to consider some investments decisions.
And SETDS method could be a promising technique to analyze massive number of stock symbols to capture automatically:
- Stocks that had some anomalies (SEDS exceptions) and
- The pattern changes (by applying the Trend detection part of SETDS).
Check the progress of this research in my future posts!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Tim Browning at CMG'14: "Entropy-Based Anomaly Detection for SAP z/OS Systems"

I am looking forward attending CMG'14 and definitely planning to be at this session! Tim and I had numerous discussions about anomaly detection technique, he helped me to tune my own one - SETDS and he is a reader, poster and commenter on this blog!


Sunday, August 17, 2014

What do programmers plan to do once they are over 35?

Monday, July 7, 2014

SEDS Elements in "Flood Risk Pattern Recognition" in Malaysia

My SETDS methodology should work fine with any datetime stamped data. So here is an attempt to apply some similar technique for "Flood Risk Pattern Recognition" in Malaysia:

[PDF] Flood Risk Pattern Recognition Using Chemometric Technique: A Case Study in Muda River Basin  (Computational Water, Energy, and Environmental Engineering) by Ahmad Shakir Mohd Saudi and others

..."Time Series Analysis is essential for the prediction of water level in the study area, where this method enables
an efficient evaluation of the process from the performance by analyzing data. The method produces three important
data (e.g., Upper Control Limit (UCL), Average Value (AVG) and Lower Control Limit (LCL)) for the
trend and prediction of future hydrological modelling, where the Sigma is within a range value of a set of data.Control Chart can detect some trends and patterns with actual data deviations from historical baseline, be able to capture unusual resource usage, can determine the dynamic threshold, and also can become the best base lining to examine the actual data deviation from the historical baseline (Igor Trubin, 2008) [7]. The equation implementedin this analysis was:
                                     Moving Range = Plot : MRt for t = 2, 3,, m.  ...
[7] Trubin, I.A. (2008) Exception Based Modelling and Forecasting. Proceedings of the Computer Measurement Group, Nevada, 7-12 December 2008, 353-364..."

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Here is one good reason I decided to move back to Capital One

Actually it is a few reasons well expressed in the following Informationweek article:

Capital One IT Overhaul Powers Digital Strategy:

"If digital is so central to our strategy, we really need an IT organization that is able to deliver like a technology company and not like a traditional bank"

"The company wants to compete with technology companies like Google and Microsoft for top development, engineering, and infrastructure talent"

"... it's thought of as a primo place to do software development. It acquired several banking tech startups in part to get the development talent it needs."

"Capital One is in the midst of moving from 70% to 75% outsourced IT to 70% to 75% in-house."

Monday, March 31, 2014

Southern Computer Measurement Group Spring 2014 meetings

Richmond - April 17, 2014 

Registration, Continental Breakfast and Sponsor Presentation 
Memory CachesClaire Cates
High Performance Computing SystemsJames McGalliard
ePrivacy Issues and their Potential Effect on Online Data CollectionAnna Long
Lunch and Sponsor Presentation 
z/OS Performance "HOT" TopicsKathy Walsh
DB2 v11 PerformanceJohn Iczkovits
Database PerformancePeter Zaitsev
Open Discussion - Future Meeting ContentBryan Drake

 Register here

Raleigh - April 11, 2014

Registration, Continental Breakfast and Sponsor Presentation 
Memory CachesClaire Cates
High Performance Computing SystemsJames McGalliard
Data Center Capacity PlanningChris Molloy
Effective Reporting – Making Sure You Tell the StoryJim Horne
Lunch and Sponsor Presentation 
z/OS Performance "HOT" TopicsKathy Walsh
Performance and Capacity in the Broader Context of Non-Functional RequirementsAnn Dowling
DB2 v11 PerformanceMark Rader
Open Discussion - Future Meeting ContentBryan Drake
Register here

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

USA is not in "blue" zone...

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Tree-map / Heat-chart / Tile chart is good for the data analysis visualization/dash-boarding

Any good reporting should be fully automated and web based with no more then 2-3 levels of drill-downs and the highest level should be a color-coded dashboard. So what is the best mean for color-coded dashboard? Nowadays the tile (heat) chart is getting more and more popular for that purpose!

A bit history:

        The  original source of the tree-map idea: Treemaps for space-constrained visualization of hierarchies by Ben Shneiderman
         CMG papers about tree-mapping of capacity usage metrics: 

CMG 2004: Seeing the Forest AND the Trees: Capacity Planning for a Large Number of Servers.

The following two examples from the paper:

CMG 2003: Disk Subsystem Capacity Management, Based on Business Drivers, I/O Performance Metrics and MASF         

CMG 2006: System Management by Exception, Part 6

The following  two examples from the papers: (at the left is the SEDS based report):

Possibly with some influence from the above mentioned papers that type of dash-boarding was adopted by several tools including SAS:


So since SAS 9.3 it is ease to build an interactive tile chart with drill-downs and even with a context “right click” menus to call trend or control charts by parametric URLs. Applying that to SETDS reports the boxes (tiles) size could be EV (By the way, the EV usage for dash-boarding was already discussed in other post HERE)

The Tableau tool is getting more and more popular and there is away to build the self-configurable tree-maps and that looks better than SAS ones. Example: 

Another popular way to build tree-maps now is D3.js JavaScript library. See the code sample here and the result is below: 

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

MXG against NMON to process AIX performance data

In my last www.CMG.org paper "AIX frame and LPAR level Capacity Planning. User Case for Online Banking Application" I have demonstrated how to analyze AIX server based application performance by exceptions (including IT-Control charting).  

But what type of server performance data I used for that? NMON data. And how to process that data? I would recommenced to use SAS and MXG -  that is the way,  if you are lucky to have access to SAS and MXG tools ...

Below are a few hints for readers who want to try to set up MXG to process NMON data.

How to set up and run MXG against AIX nmon data is documented in the following useful ppt document http://mxg.com/downloads/chuck/mxgtoolmagic.ppt that has ASCII installation and tailoring instructions starting from page 16.

-        There is also install.sas document inside of MXM package .../mxg/sourclib that has the following instructions regarding ascii installation:

    For ASCII Execution:

    Instead of JCL Procs, it is the AUTOEXEC.SAS file that conrols and
    sets up the MXG environment.  You will need to copy and EDIT the MXG
    example autoexec for the directory names, etc., for your platform
       AUTOEXEC  -   SAS - Windows
       AUTOEXEU  -   SAS - Unix
       AUTOEXEW  -   WPS - All ASCII
    into the your SAS root directory, if all users are MXG users, or you
    can add the -autoexec option to the start-up icon, or in batch, use
      sas -autoexec 'c:\mxg\userid\autoexec.sas' ...

When the MXG environment is set up properly, to run MXG against NMON data and creating PDBs with nmon data one needs to do just following steps:

-    - Submit FILENAME NMONIN  "*.nmon";  * to provide the path to raw nmon log file;
-    - Submit TYPENMON macro:


To prove/test that I have:
-         -  copied MXG folder (could be downloaded from MXG) to my laptop folder to C:\MXG\sourclib;
-          - created a few new folders like C:\MXG\PDB  (see p. 17 ) ;
-          - modified a bit and submitted  the autoexec.sas (I have added there the nmon log to process - “FILENAME NMONIN   "C:\MXG\DATA\aprcmix1_131212_0000.nmon" LRECL=32000;”
-         -  submitted  C:\MXG\sourclib\formats macro to rebuild formats library ;
-          - submitted the main macro C:\MXG\sourclib\typenmon  to process “C:\MXG\DATA\prix1.nmon” and build PDB with nmon SAS datasets in C:\MXG\PDB ;
-          - checked the resulted PDBs in C:\MXG\PDB. 

Last thing is to use SAS /IML with R to build control charts (HERE hints how to do that) or if you have SAS/Graph - HERE is how to use that.

Good luck! And put you questions to comments!

Friday, January 24, 2014

R script to run in SAS: one more way to built IT-Control Chart

Sure SAS and SAS/GRAPH is good to plot (control) charts. See example here, But if you are a R lover you can also submit R script in SAS to do any analysis or charting you want. How?

SAS 9.3 can be used to run R scripts and packages within SAS/IML proc. To do that the following needs to be done:

1. Check if your SAS instance support R language. Just submit "proc options option=RLANG; run;" and check the sas log. If that is not supported, do next:
2. Add the following line at the end of the config file:
  C:\Program Files (x86)\SASHome\SASFoundation\9.3\nls\en\sasv9.cfg


3. Install  R-2.15.3 for Windows (32/64 bit) (note the R version 3 is not supported by SAS at this point)
4. Insert R-script to the following SAS/IML script:   
         proc iml;
          submit / R;
..... your R scrpt is here ....

5. Some simple test R-scripts samples to run in SAS is  below:
proc iml;
/* Comparison of matrix operations in IML and R */
print "----------  SAS/IML Results  -----------------";
x = 1:3;                                 /* vector of sequence 1,2,3 */
m = {1 2 3, 4 5 6, 7 8 9};               /* 3 x 3 matrix */
q = m * t(x);                            /* matrix multiplication */
print q;
print "-------------  R Results  --------------------";
submit / R;
  rx <- 1:3="" 1="" matrix="" nrow="1)            " of="" sequence="" span="" vector="">
  rm <- 1:9="" 3="" byrow="TRUE)" matrix="" nrow="3," span="" x="">
  rq <- matrix="" multiplication="" nbsp="" rm="" rx="" span="" t="">

More complex example:   Call R Packages from PROC IML

And finally my own script to build IT-Control Chart against CSV data is following:
proc iml;
submit / R;
## R script to plot IT-chart against CSV data - Igor Trubin 2009
cchrt <- appsdata.csv="" header="T," ocuments="" read.table="" sep="," sers="" span="" workshop="">
plot    (cchrt[,1],cchrt[,2],type="l",col="black",ylim=c(0,0.15),lwd=1.6,ann=F)
points (cchrt[,1],cchrt[,3],type="l",col="red",   ylim=c(0,0.15),lwd=1,ann=F)
points (cchrt[,1],cchrt[,4],type="l",col="green",ylim=c(0,0.15),lwd=1,ann=F)
points (cchrt[,1],cchrt[,5],type="l",col="blue", ylim=c(0,0.15),lwd=1,ann=F)
points (cchrt[,1],cchrt[,6],type="l",col="MAGENTA", ylim=c(0,0.1),lwd=1,ann=F)
mtext("I/O Time/Thrd",   side=2, line=3.0)
mtext("hours of week",   side=1, line=3.0)
mtext("IT-CHART",        side=3, line=1.0)

The code is similar to the one I published in my other post here. And below is the result: