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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

CMG'11 Abstract Report shows my virtual presence

The CMG'11 agenda is online now. The Abstract report shows the following paper related to this blog subject:

1. A Real-World Application of Dynamic Thresholds for Performance Management by Jonathan B Gladstone

He published some material on this blog that most likly is included in his CMG paper: 

Feb 17, 2011
Jonathan Gladstone has worked with a team to implement pro-active Mainframe CPU usage monitoring, basing his design partly on presentations and conversations with Igor Trubin (currently of IBM) and Boris Ginis (of BMC Software).

Here is the abstract form the Abstract report:
The author describes a real application of dynamic thresholds as developed at BMO Financial Group. The case shown uses performance management data from IBM mainframes, but the method would work equally well for detecting deviations from normal patterns in any time-series data including resource utilization in distributed systems, storage, networks or even in non-IT applications such as traffic or health management. This owes much to previous work by well-regarded CMG participants Igor Trubin (currently at IBM), Boris Zibitsker (BEZ Systems) and Boris Ginis (BMC Software).

2. Automatic Daily Monitoring of Continuous Processes in Theory and Practice by Frank Bereznay

    Monitoring large numbers of processes for potential issues before they become problematic can be time consuming and resource intensive. A number of statistical methods have been used to identify change due to a discernable cause and separate it from the fluctuations that are part of normal activity. This session provides a case study of creating a system to track and report these types of changes. Determining the best level of data summarization, control limits, and charting options will be examined as well as all of the SAS code needed to implement the process and extend its functionality.

I believe that paper is based on the presentation he did at Southern CA CMG this year, which I have already mentioned in my following post: "The Master of MASF"

I have not written any paper for this year (1st time for the last 10 years!) but I glad that the technology I have been promoting for years still have presented in this year CMG conference with some references to my work!

1 comment:

  1. Tim Browning: "IBM is fortunate to have the world expert on this technique of statistical filtering in it's treasure chest of talent...we shall call it the Trubin Methodology. It proves it's value everyday in many data centers."
