I am developing SEDS elements using IBM Cognos. Here is the 1st result, which is just a POC prototype of IT-Control Chart report.
I used the test data (Date-hour stamped utilization metric) that I developed to build the same IT-Control Charts by other tools (BIRT, MySQL, R). I have published some information about that on my previous blog posts. (e.g. R-script to plot IT-Control Chart against MySQL)
This time I have developed simplest meta-data package against ODBC to MySQL database by using Cognos Framework Manager and published that in TCR locally on my Laptop. Then I used Cognos Report Studio to build the report. The result of running the report is following:
I got the same result as I got by using R or BIRT, but I have noticed some nice features in COGNOS that helped me to build that faster and more accurate (e.g. adding the dates at the X-Axis)
I am going to mention that progress with some details on my up-coming SCMG presentation:
SEDS-Lite: Using Open Source Tools (R, BIRT and MySQL) to Report and Analyze Performance Data
UPDATE: I will be presenting that again at CMG'12 conference: http://itrubin.blogspot.com/2012/08/seds-lite-using-open-source-tools-r.html
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