Research of Industrial Robot Grasping Processes
The main idea of that work was to find the way to calculate a some set of initial grasping (or assembling) object coordinates that would warrant successful grasping (or assembling) process (operation). I called that "Area of Normal Functioning - ANF" (Область Нормального Функционирования -ОНФ). If grasping or assembling process starts with parameters (or coordinates) that are not in that area (NFN), the process will be failed. That area defined coordinates where passive (natural) adaptation would work. Interesting that that robotic subject is still active - see the following link
Underactuated hand with passive adaptation
Rereading that my old work I suddenly figured out that my resent idea of Exception Value (EV - area between statistical limits and just happened actual variables values) is very similar with that my very old idea of calculating limits for successful assembling or robot grasping processes!Apparently my mind works very consistently....
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